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Mindfulness for High-Performance Executives

5 Session Program


Friday, Sept. 22 – Friday, Oct. 20, 2023

8-9 am EST

5 hours of live practice sessions

On-demand access to recordings

Awareness toolkit (meditation, journaling, reading)

Private mindfulness assessment

What’s Included in Your Mindfulness Program:

Discover how mindfulness can help you achieve better outcomes in business and life.

Specifically developed for high-performance executives (C-suite), this empirically supported program teaches mindfulness practices that can significantly improve your focus and cognitive performance. It introduces various techniques and strategies that lead to present-moment awareness and skillful responses to stress.

A 15% improvement in focus, creativity, and resilience to stress was reported by participants after taking the program.*

              *Based on a survey conducted before and after the program

Guided Meditation

Feedback from the previous participants

"The sessions were easy to engage with and the discussions allowed for further understanding of my personal experiences while also learning about how others experience mindfulness."


Please complete the form below to enroll.
Price $250 + HST

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